产品应用┃Product application ◆卫浴行业:水管接头,变径接头,三通,阀门 ◆电池行业:锂电池,电池组,电极的激光焊接 ◆眼镜行业:不锈钢,钛合金等材质的眼镜扣位,外框等位置的精密焊接 ◆五金行业:叶轮,水壶,水杯,酒壶,不锈钢碗,传感器,二极管,铝合金,手机电池,门把手,搅拌器, 货架等,复杂冲压件,铜件,铝件,铸造件的焊接 ★Sanitary industry: pipe joints, adjustable fittings, tees, valves ★Battery industry: lithium-ion battery, battery, electrode laser welding ★Glasses Industry: stainless steel, titanium alloy materials glasses of snap, and frame position precisi 0n welding ★Hardware industry: impeller, water bottle, water cupwine pot , stainless steel Bowl, sensors, diodes, aluminum, cell phone batteries, door knobs stirrer, shelves and other complex stampings, welding of cast parts 产品优势┃Products advantages ◆采用较新DSP控制系统,更具稳定性,软件操作更简单,满足了大行程的需求与复杂产品焊接的要求 ◆生产效率高,焊接速度快,实现自动批量生产 ◆可焊接点、直线、圆、椭圆弧、方形等平面任意轨迹 ◆具有自动调焦和旋转的功能,可以焊接3D空间任意形状的产品 ★Using the latest in DSP control system,more stability,the software is to operate,meet the needs of large and complex products welding requirements ★High production efficiency and high welding speed,realizing automatic mass production0n the production line ★Can weld point, line, circle, elliptical arc, square and other arbitrary Planar orbit ★Has the function of automatic focusing and rotating, 3D space of arbitrary of welding products 1、激光功率密度大,工件吸收激光后温度迅速升高而熔化或汽化,即使熔点高、硬度大和质脆的材 料(如 陶瓷、金刚石等)也可用激光加工; 2、激光头与工件不接触,不存在加工工具磨损问题; 3、工件不受应力,不易污染; 4、可以对运动的工件或密封在玻璃壳内的材料加工; 5、激光束的发散角可小于1毫弧,光斑直径可小到微米量级,作用时间可以短到纳秒和皮秒,同时,大功 率激光器的连续输出功率又可达千瓦至十 千瓦量级,因而激光既适于精密微细加工,又适于大型材料加工; 6、激光束容易控制,易于与精密机械、精密测量技术和电子计算机相结 合,实现加工的高度自动化和 达到很高的加工精度; 7、在恶劣环境或其他人难以接近的地方,可用机器人进行激光加工。